I visited my classroom today. I will never complain about the U of M facilities again. Talk about bare bones rooms. And cold. No central heat. The classroom temperature must be around 13C. It is colder in the classroom than it is outside. It's going to be a chilly six weeks. And me without my Cold FX.
This is what I know so far - I have 46 undergrads, not 150 thank goodness, and about 30 graduates although they still don't know. I teach one three hour class per week per group. With three hours there are going to be a few videos shown. Even I can't talk that long. Especially since the Chinese students don't ask questions so I am told. And I am the first international teacher they have had teach at NUFE in the marketing department. HAHA. I did not know that when I signed up. At least I don't have to live up to any standards. I start this Wednesday so I guess I better get busy.
Before I go, here are some pictures of the Nanjing wall. It is a bit grey and dirty right now. This is their spring so the leaves aren't out and grass is brown. I'm pretty sure the dirt stays year round. You can't have this much smog and have shiny clean leaves. This is part of the wall that surrounds the city. Nanjing used to be the capital city of China I would give you more details but wikipedia is also banned. ERRRR! So you will have to look it up for me.
In the first picture is Greg, Arnie, his wife Lorraine and Amy, one of the Chinese Food Science students who has the unpleasant task of helping us shop! She really wants to go to school in Canada.

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