Sunday, 16 March 2008


Latest news release:

It seems that travel to Tibet has officially been suspended. The BBC reports that it may be up to 5 months before foreign travel will be allowed in Tibet. Why now? It's been 58 years of repression - what was one more month?

I cannot tell you how disappointed I am. I was even looking forward to the 18 hour train ride. We haven't heard from the travel agent yet. I guess that is next week's task. I know there are tons of other things to see but when you have Lhasa on the docket it's a bit difficult to find a suitabe replacement.



Anonymous said...

Hey Mave,

Awesome Blog, I love catching up with you on your travels. Well written...

Anonymous said...

Shucks about Tibet.

Chi said...

Oh man that really sucks.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mave, Val here -
I heard about that, hon! That does suck big time - what is it about you wanting to travel to places of conflict anyway.
Miss you! Was really nice to talk to you last week.