Thursday, 1 March 2012

Beautiful Vietnam

We are now in Cambodia but I have one last post about Vietnam before I move on.  One person asked me why bike around Vietnam. Couldn't we see more of the country by car? It is true. We gave up seeing the white sand beaches of Nha Trang, the mountain jungle of Dalat, the colonial (but coldish) city of Hanoi plus so much more. But what you miss by sitting in a car is the soul of the country. We spent hours biking through little paths in the Mekong, through villages and even through the crazy traffic on city streets.  The scenery changed quite a bit from coconut plantations, into rice fields and eventually the mountain area.  What remained the same throughout the past three days was the constant shouts of 'hello" from the houses and cafes  as we passed.  People constantly smiled and waved, children ran out to greet us.   Yes we are a bit of an attraction since most tourists don't travel through these areas, but their kindness and enthusiasm went beyond curiosity.  Considering this is a culture that has a dark history with Western society, from French occupation and war to bombing, chemicals and embargoes by the US, they have an incredible ability to put the past behind them. Our guide said the people of this country would like to move on. The past is gone and their future can be built with the help and friendship of the West. The cynic might say he is just looking for tips but when you see grandparents showing toddlers to wave and say hello as we passed - some so young they just sounded like kittens, barely able to form the sounds - you know it is genuine.  They have many reasons to be bitter and hostile but instead we have seen nothing but smiles.  Thank-you Vietnam for your incredible hospitality.  Thank-you Phat - our wonderful, knowledgeable, funny and unbelievably open guide.  The time with Phat was invaluable. During car rides and coffee breaks we had debates about government policy, pros and cons of democracy, communism, learned about the future hope and fears of the Vietnamese people, especially the youth, and of course absorbed the stories of an incredibly troubled history.  Since the trade embargo was lifted 16 years ago, the country has started to prosper. Of course there are still huge obstacles to overcome and the fear of their giant and powerful neighbour to the north looms over them.  But if the smiling faces we encountered are any indication of will and ability, then this country has a promising future. You are beautiful Vietnam. XO

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Mave and Peter. Looks like an absolutely incredible trip!!!
